Last year came the announcement that WordPress powered 25% of the web but that’s not the only impressive statistic the world’s most popular CMS has to offer. WordPress continues to go from strength to strength and the five stats we’re sharing below just go to demonstrate that WordPress’ reign shows no signs of slowing down.
WordPress now powers over 26% of all global websites
Yes, that’s right. In March 2016 it was announced that WordPress is now powering over 26% of the web and it’s a figure that is growing every day – will we see 30% by the end of 2016?
Less than 500 people run
Given its mammoth size and the huge improvements it makes every year, it would be easy to assume that is run by a huge, corporate team. However, only 449 people are in charge of running and maintaining, which receives an eye-watering 113 million unique visits per month.
There are over 44,000 WordPress plugins
When was the last time you wanted a particular plugin but couldn’t find it? Hopefully it’s been a while, given that there are now over 44,000 WordPress plugins available for download. Not only that, but between them they have been downloaded over 1,000,000,000 times.
There are billions of posts and comments on WordPress blogs
By the end of 2015, over 2.5 billion posts had been written with WordPress and those posts had received over 3 billion comments. Speaking of billions, as of May 2016, WordPress blogs received over 21 billion page views per month.
Some of the world’s most notable brands use WordPress
You might think brand giants would opt for a customised CMS but some of the biggest names in the world built their websites using WordPress, including: